Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Assembly Source File
299 lines
; Program to attatch a given interrupt vector to a specific address
; Version One, Steve Kemp '95
; Operation, either
; HOOK [/?]
; or
; HOOK intnumber segment:offset *** ALL NUMBERS IN HEX
; Basically this routine was cobbled together in an hour from the Intview
; program, as such it is not the best way to do things, and is subject to
; strange input requirements... eg HOOK 21 0000:0000 not 0:0, and
; and HOOK 0F 1234:1234 not HOOK F 1234:1234
mov SI,80h
inc SI ; Get ready for next character
mov Dl,[SI] ; Get character from command tail
cmp Dl,'/' ; Switch??
jz found_slash ; If so goto switch routine
cmp Dl,0Dh ; End of tail??
jnz parse_loop ; If not repeat
cmp SI,81h ; Still at start of tail??
jnz parameters_entered ; If not continue
mov DX,info_message ; Else queue up error message
call print_string ; Print it
jmp return2DOS ; and return to DOS
call calculate_numbers ; Calculate numbers on command line
call print_confirm ; Print out the question info.
mov Ah,08h ; get a keypress
int 21h ; Here
or Al,32 ; Convert it to lowercase
cmp Al,'y' ; Was it a 'Yes'
jz hook_interrupt ; If so go ahead
mov DX,fail_mess ; Get ready to print 'Aborted' message
call print_string ; Do it,
jmp return2DOS ; then eturn to DOS
mov AX,0004 ; Multiply the int. number by four
mov BX,[int_number]
mul BX ; Now!
mov SI,AX ; Point index to correct location in
mov CX,[segment_buffer] ; table, get values to insert
mov BX,[offset_buffer]
cli ; Stop all ints.
push DS ; Save the data segment
sub AX,Ax ; AX=0000
push AX
pop DS ; DS=0000
mov [DS:SI],BX ; Update the offset entry
inc SI
inc SI
mov [DS:SI],CX ; And the segment
pop DS ; Restore the segment
sti ; Enable the maskable ints again.
mov DX,finished_mess ; Tell user we did it
call print_string
jmp return2DOS
inc SI ; Point to next letter
mov Dl,[SI] ; Get it into Dl
cmp Dl,'?' ; ? ?? If so print info about program
jz info
push DX ; Otherwise invalid switch. Save it
mov DX,invalid_switch ; Print invalid switch message
call print_string ; Here
pop DX ; Get back saved letter
add Dl,'A'-'a' ; Print uppercase version of letter
mov Ah,02 ; Print a single character
int 21h ; Now!
mov Ah,4ch ; Return to DOS
int 21h ; There!
mov DX,info_message ; Point to info. string
call print_string ; Print the string
jmp return2DOS ; finished!
; This routine calculates the parameters from the command line.
; They MUST be in the correct format. Code could be improved here a lot
; ... version two ...
mov SI,82h ; Number is first parameter on Command
mov DI,ascii_buffer ; Put a copy of it into the temporary
movsw ; buffer
push SI ; Save position
; [Calculating the int number here]
mov SI,ascii_buffer ; Point to int_number
call hex_number ; Convert it to a number
mov DX,[temp] ; Get it from the store
mov [int_number],DX ; where it was placed, and put it in the
; interrupt number store
; [Calculating Segment now]
pop SI ; Get back the pointer to the
dec SI ; command line, point to the next byte
push SI ; Save the pointer
call hex_number ; Work out the high byte.
mov dx,[temp] ; Get the result
mov Dh,Dl ; Put the high byte in the right place
mov [segment_buffer],dx ; Store it in the store
pop SI ; Get back the pointer
inc SI ; Point to the low-byte digits
inc SI
push SI ; Save pointer on the stack
call hex_number ; Work out the low-byte
mov dx,[temp] ; Get it from the store
mov ax,[segment_buffer] ; Get the previously calculated hb
mov dh,ah ; Form the word
mov [segment_buffer],dx ; Finished, put the word in the store
; [Calculating the offset now]
pop SI ; Get our pointer back
inc SI ; Point past the low segment byte
inc SI
inc SI ; And the deliminator
push SI ; Save pointer for later
call hex_number ; Work out high byte
mov dx,[temp] ; get the result
mov Dh,Dl ; Put high byte in the right place
mov [offset_buffer],dx ; which is the offset_buffer
pop SI ; Get back the pointer
inc SI ; increase to point to the low byte's
inc SI ; digits
call hex_number ; Calculate them.
mov dx,[temp] ; Add up the high, and low bytes
mov ax,[offset_buffer]
mov dh,ah
mov [offset_buffer],dx ; Stick result in the store..
ret ; Finished calculating parameters
; Routine to turn a ascii value into a number. Result put in [Temp]
mov Dl,[SI] ; Get a character
inc SI ; Move pointer up by one
mov Dh,[SI] ; Get another character
or Dh,32 ; Convert secont character to lower case
cmp Dh,'h' ; Is it a 'h'
jz one_digit_hex ; If so number is one ASCII-byte long
two_digit_hex: ; Else it MUST be two ASCII-bytes long
cmp Dl,'9'
jle less_than_nine_1 ; Is it a number??
or Dl,32 ; If not its a letter, lowercase it becomes
sub dl,'a'-10-'0' ; Adjust value
sub Dl,'0' ; Convert it to number 0-15
mov AX,16 ; Get ready to multiply by 16
mov Dh,00
mul DX ; Do it! (Result in AX)
push AX ; Save result on stack
mov Dl,[SI] ; Get next digit
call one_digit_hex ; Treat it as a one digit number
pop AX ; Restore the value that we saved
add AX,DX ; Add high+low results
mov [temp],AX ; Finally store the result in the bufffer
ret ; Finished (Phew!)
cmp Dl,'9' ; Is it a digit??
jle less_than_nine_2 ; If so goto digit routine
or dl,32 ; Convert letter to lower case
sub Dl,'a'-'9'-1 ; Adjust it
sub Dl,'0' ; Convert it to a number 0-15
mov Dh,00 ; Blank out high byte
mov [temp],DX ; Store in the buffer
ret ; Return
; This routine prints the contents of Ah as a two-byte hex number.
mov al,ah
shr ah,1
shr ah,1
shr ah,1
shr ah,1
cmp ah,9
jbe next1
add ah,7
add ah,'0'
and al,0fh
cmp al,9
jbe next2
add al,7
add al,'0'
push cx
mov cl,ah
mov ch,al
mov Ah,02
mov Dl,cl
int 21h
mov Ah,02
mov Dl,ch
int 21h
pop cx
mov DX,first_message ; Print first part of message
call print_string ; now!
mov ax,[int_number] ; print int number
mov ah,al
call print_hex ; Here
mov DX,second_message ; print more message
call print_string ; here
print_segment: ; Print the segment
mov DX,[segment_buffer] ; Get a copy of the segment address
push DX ; Save it onto the stack
mov Ah,Dh ; Get ready to print the high byte
call print_hex ; Do it!
pop DX ; Retore the value
mov Ah,Dl ; Print the low byte
call print_hex ; Here
mov ah,2 ; Print a single character
mov Dl,':' ; A seperator
int 21h ; Now!
mov DX,[offset_buffer] ; Get a copy of the segment offset
push DX ; Save it onto the stack
mov Ah,Dh ; Get ready to print the high byte
call print_hex ; Do it!
pop DX ; Retore the value
mov Ah,Dl ; Print the low byte
call print_hex ; Here
mov Ah,02 ; Print a single character
mov Dl,'?' ; A question mark
int 21h ; Now!
ret ; Return
mov Ah,09h ; Get ready to output the string addressed
int 21h ; By DX. Do it.
ret ; Return
; **************************************************************************
; * Output Strings and Data area *
; ********************************
db "Invalid switch - /","$"
db "HOOK Version One - Steven Kemp 1995",0ah,0dh
db " Usage",0ah,0dh
db " HOOK [/?] - Gives this info.",0ah,0dh
db " Or",0ah,0dh
db " HOOK xx ssss:oooo - Hooks int. number xx (hex), to",,0ah,0dh
db " segment ssss, offset oooo.",0ah,0dh
db 0ah,0dh
db " ALL NUMBERS MUST BE IN FULL HEX, e.g. HOOK 0F 1234:0001"
db "$"
db " REALLY hook the int ","$"
db "h handler to ","$"
db 0ah,0dh,"Hook operation cancelled at users request.","$"
db 0ah,0dh,"Interrupt hooked.","$"
db 00,00,00
dw 0000
dw 0000h
dw 0000h
dw 0000h